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    @alizabethy_1987 Awesome, I’ll follow you there and drop you a DM if that’s cool?
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    @alizabethy_1987 Thank you! Yes, I do lunges, RDLs, squats, Bulgarian split squats, etc on my leg day. I will definitely look into what you suggested!
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    @gssm2819 100%. I’ve gotten out of the whole X food is bad and Y food is good mindset. All food is fabulous
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    @gssm2819 I get it. People never speak about it from a male’s perspective. It’s sad. I’m glad you were able to pull yourself out of that though! That isn’t easy! You should be super proud of yourself.
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    @gssm2819 I didn’t know that!! Well, you learn something new everyday! And that is true, they do flex all the time. I know this logically but emotionally, it gets me 🤣
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    @gssm2819 Thank you so much. Yes, I do this with my diet anyway! I don’t eat processed foods, and stick to wholegrains, although I’m vegetarian so rely on soy a lot. I still meet my protein goals though. It’s not so much the number on the scale that scares me. More so of getting a bigger waist...
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    @suemariejudith I’ll definitely start eating more. But you’re right, I find it terrifying at the idea of gaining any fat, which is why I think I’ve stayed eating below maintenance for so long. I’m just worried about any fat I gain from when I start eating in a surplus (if I get there!).
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    @pastorswife88 I’ve seen lots of people able to build muscle while in a deficit and weightlifting. I think it may just not be working for me as well because I’m already light and slim. But you’re right, I should build muscle first and then worry about fat loss.
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    @arbiter Yes, I’ve briefly looked into recomp. This is extremely helpful, thank you so much. My issue is definitely being patient with progress, but I know it takes a long time.
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    @chirpchirp I have a dietician but she isn’t very good. I really appreciate, and needed, to hear this comment, though. I have a history of disordered eating so the temptation of starving myself is constantly there, so thank you for saying that.
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    @gnormous My bad, I didn’t mean inaccurate like that. I meant not a great indicator of determining one’s health because it’s solely based on weight and height. But thank you so much for your comment! I really appreciate it!
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    I (22F) am trying to lose fat to get visible definition of my abs, and lose my inner thigh fat. I weigh 45KG so am borderline underweight (according to my BMI, which we all hopefully know isn’t exactly accurate). However, I also want to gain muscle. I do weight lifting multiple times a week...