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  1. P

    Question from a russian dude

    @sk213 Stance will for sure have to be wider. Not meant for everybody, kinda like the pistol squat. I know guys that can goblet a 200lb kettlebell but halter under their own one legged squat, vice versa. Fun as shit when mastered though. Just Cant overthink it. Kettlebells are 80% technique 20%...
  2. P

    Question from a russian dude

    @sk213 First I’ll say is if you don’t plan on competing or doing any influence work such as most of us folk on here, doubles aren’t really worth the hassle learning. A double swing is significantly more difficult and I would recommend perfecting light weight first. Simple break down to think...
  3. P

    Question from a russian dude

    @sk213 One kettlebell simply became to easy. The tables needed to be turned somewhere along the line. Either get stronger and keep up with the new generation or get left behind is basically how the fitness industry is right now.