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  1. A

    I’m a chubby middle aged woman and I would like to know my plan is sound

    @sofialo09 Yeah...for whatever reason our society teaches us that to lose weight you have to exercise a ton. That's just not true. As you've seen, you can work out and exercise like crazy and still not lose weight. Take all of your energy and focus it into your eating and building a healthy...
  2. A

    I’m a chubby middle aged woman and I would like to know my plan is sound

    @sofialo09 Plan looks good, but I'm a but concerned about you going from 0 exercise to 6 or 7 days a week exercise. I'd suggest starting much, much, much smaller. In fact, I wouldnt even worry about exercising at all right now. Weight loss is 99% diet. If you focused all of your energy and...