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  1. L

    Help me with tips of how to actually get out of bed and make it to CrossFit! 😣

    @p77cf A lot of people talking about discipline and motivation I think maybe don’t consider that a) motivation fatigue is very real, and b) everyone has different things going on in their lives that make being disciplined more or less hard. Look up willpower fatigue. I’m not positive this is...
  2. L

    should i get a lifting belt?

    @dthomas81592 It was such a game changer. I herniated a disc pulling 225 without bracing in a workout—told myself I’d never ever do that again. I tell everyone that learning to breathe is the only way to ensure longevity in the sport!
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    should i get a lifting belt?

    @xxbossxx I’m 30, about your weight, similar DL and max clean is around 150 when I’m training consistently. I think they can be helpful, but you really need to learn how to use them. A lot of people get belts and cinch the shit out of them thinking that’s going to stabilize their back without...
  4. L

    Anyone else struggling with a skill that seems impossible to learn?

    @jonathan_gale OP you won’t believe this… but I went to class today and friggen got one. Out of NOWHERE. I watched a video from this thread from TTT (I’ll post below) and the cue about sighting the feet really helped me. So I guess… it’s possible?!
  5. L

    Anyone else struggling with a skill that seems impossible to learn?

    @jonathan_gale I’m in the same boat. Similarly to some others on this thread I’ve stopped trying to do them and I’m just working on progressions. I figure one of these days my kip will just be so efficient I’ll accidentally end over the bar. But I feel your pain. It’s so frustrating especially...