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    Mark Rippetoe's chin-up protocol for fixing Golfers Elbow

    @merrily234 Seems like it has potential. Thanks.
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    Mark Rippetoe's chin-up protocol for fixing Golfers Elbow

    @roosevelt Hello. Similar to the cue "Spread the floor" for a sumo deadlift. Creating outward torque to better recruit the glutes and help stabilize.
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    Mark Rippetoe's chin-up protocol for fixing Golfers Elbow

    @sister_diane Ironically, the other day I was midsquat and thought, "Why am I not pushing my legs out?" Everything felt much smoother after that. Now just gotta turn it into habit.
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    Mark Rippetoe's chin-up protocol for fixing Golfers Elbow

    @sannya This is interesting. I wonder if the same principles can be applied to knee pain. Edit: Nvm just watched it, that's exactly what he talked about. Thanks for this!