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  1. J

    I‘m tired of not getting better at pull-ups

    @owll yeah I would do weighted ones too. volume works it’s just probably not the most efficient way
  2. J

    I‘m tired of not getting better at pull-ups

    @owll 48 pullups a week is more than enough if you’re training to failure
  3. J

    How many pullups are enough in a workout

    @jw552 ten sets is just going to be junk volume, there’s multiple studies on how too much volume isn’t going to increase muscle growth after a certain point
  4. J

    How many pullups are enough in a workout

    @jw552 I wouldnt do 3 max effort sets either
  5. J

    How many pullups are enough in a workout

    @houstonreborn way too much, you need 1-2 warmup sets and 3 working sets max.