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    Calculating how much the games athletes won

    @newlymarried5 It's Reebok and rougue mostly. Remember when Reebok first signed on to the games, they banned metcons from competition, I don't know if that is still going on.
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    2024 semifinals - Oceania, and North America West - Day 3

    @jayce9936 Why would you watch in the heat when you can watch it at home with the AC on?
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    Crossfitters w/ Type 2 Diabetes

    @erica39 T1 here, the only thing that is hard to control is the spike after the wod. It's put a lot of stress on the body which produces glucose. Other than that, there are really no differences you should worry about
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    CrossFit Open & Pregnancy

    @janey84 Don't let the pregnancy detour you, just make the necessary adjustments and get after it