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  1. P

    12-Week Challenge: Week 5 Update

    @denice65 I didn't go to the gym as much as I wanted to this week because of life things but on Saturday, I worked out chest with my boyfriend and I benched the bar!!! Without any help!!! This is huge because a) I hate working out chest. b) I hate it because I feel extra weak c) I couldn't bench...
  2. P

    [12-Week Challenge] Week 10 Update

    @denice65 Oof. The past two weeks haven't been the best. Fell off the wagon with my diet and working out. I'm going to try to make the best of the next two weeks before my vacation! I have gotten stronger though so I'm really happy about that!
  3. P

    [12-Week Challenge] Week 6 and Quarter 2 Updates

    @denice65 I'm killing it at the gym. I've been going 4-6x a week, with swimming twice and yoga once! I'm feeling really good about my baby gains BUT I cannot get my diet to match my exercising. I can't control my sweet tooth. I've tried not to snack. I've tried to not totally cut them out...