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  1. J

    Are there any exercise more brutal than the horse stance?

    @graced1257 Maybe doing the iron cross on a pair of rings, but that's just basically horse stance for the upper body.
  2. J

    Will 50 pushups a day make a noticeable difference?

    @lucyt25 It can't hurt. If I was you, I'd recommend crawling variations though. You'll get a lot more out of it in terms of general physical preparedness and it will teach your body to recruit strength while building up a lot of the muscles used for the bench and deadlift. Try and crawl with...
  3. J

    Urgently need an exercise that is not push up or abs, leg required

    @marimur You're not supposed to feel sore after your workouts. Go for a walk, take a few days off going full speed and then come back doing about half of what you did to make yourself sore. Add a few reps each week.
  4. J

    A Guide to Kettlebells For The Calisthenics Athlete

    @raykay I have long thought more people here could benefit from Kettlebells. If you're into Bodyweight movement, Kettlbells (and clubs and Maces) are all great additions and feel right at home for all the reasons people chose to focus on bodyweight - low cost, high variety, low space...