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    2023 NoBull CrossFit Games IE8 - Intervals Discussion

    @intheabyss She looks like Jessica Pare from Mad Men.
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    2023 NoBull CrossFit Games IE8 - Intervals Discussion

    @n0nbeliever Like as long as it goes above box height at some point? Definitely not bringing it to the top from the front - he was like using the corner.
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    2023 NoBull CrossFit Games IE8 - Intervals Discussion

    @jonjones229 I’m unclear on the standard for burpee box jump overs but Sprague it’s very clearly bringing one of his feet around from the side - is that allowed? Different from what others are doing.
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    Survey: What CrossFit Movement is the Hardest to Master?

    @keyboardguy23 If that's the case, then you are probably swinging it too much. Keep it close to your body and punch your hand up.