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  1. F

    Anyone else carry their weight really disproportionately?

    @frances69 So both my parents were absolutely AWFUL about my weight growing up to the point that I do have serious issues with my body image. (Looking back at photos--I was never heavy and they were crazy.) I got to the point that I stopped wearing a bathing suit around my parents because every...
  2. F

    Anyone else carry their weight really disproportionately?

    @frances69 I definitely think all my weight goes to my thighs! I'm a huge walker and I feel my legs and butt are really in good shape and I'm happy with them. But these THIGHS. I feel I'd have to be seriously underweight before my thighs ever shrink. I don't even care about the aesthetics--I...
  3. F

    Dating while being petite and overweight

    @jodi1028 Nobody is out of anybody's league! He obviously liked your photo/blurb enough on Bumble to match with you, so keep that in mind! Just try to have fun, and remember that it's just as much about YOU liking HIM.