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  1. E

    Is this a good workout split? (detailed)

    @gwennwys Most programs are good as long as you are consistent and eat right. Don’t over think it. Just try it out and see how it works.
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    1000 lb club sub 4:30 mile same day - possible?

    @ozlogos No, he deadlifted 600# and then ran like a 4:30 marathon.
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    Anyone else struggling with a skill that seems impossible to learn?

    @jonathan_gale Are you sure you have the strength? Do you truly understand how to kip?
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    Questions about my diet

    @phos_hilaron You’ve been given a lot of bad information. I eat ~140g of fat per day and I am very, very lean. Calories matter most, then protein, then fats and carbs. It’s really a preference whether you eat more fat or carbs. I prefer more carbs as I am very active. If you aren’t gaining...
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    What separates the elite from the rest

    @presmom22 Their training is well thought out and intentional. The overall intensity of the training is MUCH lower than you think it is. They are rarely going as hard as the typically CrossFit class attendee is. That’s why they can do so much more volume.
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    1000 lb club sub 4:30 mile same day - possible?

    @diamonddolljeanette What is your current total and your current mile time? There is no sense in saying you are "thinking of taking on this challenge" if you are nowhere close to either.
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    How to get going to the gym???

    @alenharry You decide you want to and you do. Why do you want to go to the gym? To build muscle? Lose weight? Look better naked? You don't necessarily need to go to the gym if you hate it that much. There are plenty of other ways to get exercise in.
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    Bulk or cut

    @dfirst Lift weights and eat! You’re 15, take advantage of those crazy testosterone levels and ability to quickly recover.
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    Beginner at the gym

    @peppermint_patty Gaining weight is all about eating more. And for women in particular, more protein. Any basic strength/mass building plan will work as long as you are consistent and you eat enough. Again, you must eat!