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  1. K

    Taller ladies with very long femurs - Does Squatting Ever Get Easier?

    @healedinchrist275 Yeah, in a perfect world I’d low bar because it’s far more comfortable and secure to hold the bar there (my shoulder mobility requires a NARROW grip on the bar for high bar) but I’m not built for that. So I squat high bar and low bar my good mornings haha
  2. K

    Taller ladies with very long femurs - Does Squatting Ever Get Easier?

    @faithfulsteward7 I’m president of my local Long Femur Club chapter, nice to know ya! I got the double whammy of insanely long femurs and absurdly short torso, so I know this struggle all too well. Your trainer sounds new and inexperienced, or ignorant. I’d get a new trainer because even with...