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  1. S

    I’m a chubby middle aged woman and I would like to know my plan is sound

    @sofialo09 I had kinda been doing random bike rides here and there, random push ups, situps, and was working on doing like negative pull-ups a month before starting seriously. Literally at the end of last October I said I'm getting serious and started doing the RR 3x week, and biking 3x a week...
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    I’m a chubby middle aged woman and I would like to know my plan is sound

    @sofialo09 Yes I mean the recommend routine! I started doing just biking as I was working around a knee injury and in the last 2ish or so months started seriously running as well. I had been doing 1.5hrs of medium intensity biking, 3x a week. Yes I am female :)
  3. S

    I’m a chubby middle aged woman and I would like to know my plan is sound

    @sofialo09 I started at 32, 160lb. Negative chin-ups. Biking for 30 min. Barely any strength in my arms. Just at 6 months now and I'm 33, 140lb and super strong. I can go down a little on a handstand (training for a full hspu), and am on rings pushups, ring dips, tucks on rings, 10lb...
  4. S

    Does anybody else have a certain weight that they get stuck on and it's so hard to break below? How do I get past it?

    @dawn16 Just throwing my two cents in here. Two years ago I started my fitness journey and I somehow came to the conclusion that I needed 1200 myself. I'm 5 foot 8 and was fairly active at the time, I just about died lol three days of that I said fuck this, re-researched, and started using a...