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  1. C

    Your top 5 toughest xfit workouts

    @saraila I gravitate toward the brutal ones cuz I'm one of those that uses Crossfit to keep the demons at bay. These are the ones that end up hurting the most; Chad (the calves aftermath) FGB Kalsu (but in a good way) acid burn Clovis
  2. C

    Why can I all of a sudden do a strict pull-up?

    @onedayworthy yep. took me 9 years from 1 pull up to 1 BMU. Then during my CFL1 the proctor put me on the spot for a strict RMU, and boom. Pressure makes diamonds I guess.
  3. C

    New to crossfit - and it's kicking my ass!

    @smarch Learn to enjoy the suffer, this is the way.