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  1. B

    Morning workouts - prep, routine and everything else

    @lovnchrist Usually I start getting ready for bed around 8 , try to be asleep by 9-9:30
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    Morning workouts - prep, routine and everything else

    @charlieparker Thanks ! Honestly it’s mostly out of necessity because I know that I never end up working out after work because I’m too tired
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    Morning workouts - prep, routine and everything else

    @charlieparker I start work at 7 and have about a 45 min commute. 3:30 AM : Alarm goes off 4:00 : Out of Bed , get changed , quickly eat overnight oats 4:20: In the car 4:30 : Start Workout 6:00: finish workout , quick shower , change 7:00 : at my desk Honestly, it’s just gonna suck for...
  4. B

    Did anybody stop short of their weight loss goals because they realized they liked their body at a higher weight?

    @wedemars Yep! I used to be super passionate about getting back to about 135 ... but honestly I look better in the 145-150 range. I think in a lot of cases what we really have is a body composition goal but we happen to give weight the biggest weight in terms of metrics of measurement. I’m...