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  1. G

    Published Article - Creatine intake for females - a lot of benefits, very little downsides (strength, depression, body composition) :)

    @ertety703 For sure, and honestly best to just consult your doctor. As a disclaimer that is my health situation, use of the medicine and supplement. So it will be different for others.
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    Published Article - Creatine intake for females - a lot of benefits, very little downsides (strength, depression, body composition) :)

    @ortma looking more into creatine, having high creatine levels due to supplement use isn't necessarily bad. Rather it is the ability for my doctor to keep an eye on my Kidneys while on the medication. They do semi regular testing for urine and blood to keep an eye on my kidney function for...
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    Published Article - Creatine intake for females - a lot of benefits, very little downsides (strength, depression, body composition) :)

    @worshiper1994 This is oddly timed. I have been taking creatine, one 5g scoop maybe 4 times a week for several years. In the process of getting prescribed spironolactone for my acne I had blood work done and it came back with high creatinine levels (this was due to the supplementation not a...
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    I built a searchable database of exercises organized by muscle, equipment, and exercise type. There are also gifs to illustrate the exercises

    @canejanine Oh damn, I used that site all the time when I started out. Was wondering why I was having such a hard time finding the page for it a few weeks ago...
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    Quitting sugar --- healthy or too restrictive?

    @jesse1354 I have a terrible sweet tooth as well. I just get rid of any major processed sweets in my house that I happen to have if it gets to bad (did a small purge last week of some left over christmas stuff). Otherwise, I don't completely eliminate, some people can and it works for them, but...
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    Did anybody stop short of their weight loss goals because they realized they liked their body at a higher weight?

    @wedemars Definitely not excusey!! I mean you had an idea in your head and it has changed as you see results.. You are most definitely not cutting yourself short. You need to be happy with yourself, and if that means you are happy with where you are now, stay there! There is a big difference...