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  1. H

    Mark Rippetoe thinks putting women in concentration camps is an "interesting take"

    @iheartyou Greg Nuckols? No that dude is a big teddy bear. And I’ve lsitened to like 100 hours of him talking on his podcast so I think I know pretty well where he stands on a lot of things.
  2. H

    Mark Rippetoe thinks putting women in concentration camps is an "interesting take"

    @iheartyou I’ve heard the Greyskull LP is good, and it’s pretty similar in structure to SS but with some modifications to address its shortcomings. Greg Nuckols also has some good beginner templates he sends out for free as well.
  3. H

    Mark Rippetoe thinks putting women in concentration camps is an "interesting take"

    @iheartyou Honestly it's pretty garbage. There are many better-designed beginner LPs. Rippetoe is basically a joke these days. He's never trained anyone strong, yet he acts like his dogmatic views about training are the last word on training. And his macho bullshit old-man--yells-at-cloud act...