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  1. K

    “A woman shouldn’t be doing an Arnold split.”

    @vinceman2 Yes love his podcast! It is a basic how-to-do-life podcast and he doesn't go on and on for 3 hours about it.
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    “A woman shouldn’t be doing an Arnold split.”

    @jimjam Arnold himself wanted women to lift in gyms in the 70s and was ahead of his time encouraging it. He even did "tours" in the 80s on talk circuits trying to get women into the gym to lift rather than just aerobics which were popular at the time. Arnold was very pro-women bodybuilding and...
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    program for 50+ novice (4-6 months in) lifter

    @johnnyleon Bit late to post but I'm around your age and have tried tons of apps and places. The Paks app would be my recommendation. Followed by Sohee. Stronger by the Day, while it is a great app is intense. What I like about the Paks app, you can substitute exercises easily. They add it as...