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  1. B

    Not finding the classes provide enough volume

    @zekori Same squat, 120 bench, haven't tested a 1rm deadlift in a long time but did 200 for 5 recently. No I use kilos not the double it to make yourself feel stronger weights All my weights have gone up since I started, could they have gone up more if I wasn't probably but it's way more...
  2. B

    Not finding the classes provide enough volume

    @zekori Interested in hearing your numbers, lifting wise but I'm definitely more explosive and up there as strongest on the team and gym. Depends on what type of centre you are but I have always said CrossFit fits so well with rugby. Also might depend what kinda cycle your gym is running, my...
  3. B

    Not finding the classes provide enough volume

    @zekori Also play rugby, started CrossFit as a fat front rower and now I'm a mobile front rower. I got addicted to CrossFit at one stage and was probably training 2hrs a day and getting down to a 6pack and moved into the backrow but have dialed back the volumn and eat enough now. I do extra...