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  1. L

    Feeling like I don't look like I workout

    @pcippy I think the last time I did it I spend max 1 1/2h? nSuns actually takes me longer, up to 2h esp on leg days. It was tough at first but your body will learn to adapt/adjust over time. Ain’t nothing to it but to do it!
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    Feeling like I don't look like I workout

    @hendricks62 I liked running Stephanie Buttermore’s Womens’ Specialization program. It runs for 8 weeks, first 4 weeks are 6 days, last 4 weeks are 5 days on. It incorporates 4 lower and 2 upper days with a combo of push/pull. It had SBDL and OHP but they’re 3-4 sets for 8-15 reps, so you’d...
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    Feeling like I don't look like I workout

    @carolsheats It’s a powerlifting program made by redditor nsuns inspired by the 5/3/1 strength program. The focus is getting numbers up, rather than build aesthetic.
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    Feeling like I don't look like I workout

    @hendricks62 I run nSuns as well, and I think you should take into consideration that it’s very high volume and purely strength focused. It’s more of a powerlifting program vs bodybuilding, so you might not be targeting certain muscle groups as you would bodybuilding with accessories and higher...