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    GIRLS WHO LIFT: What were your lift numbers after 3 months, 6 months, 1 year and 2 years lifting?

    @cubby5000 I got here hunting for someone working with kg 😅 your numbers are progressing nicely!
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    GIRLS WHO LIFT: What were your lift numbers after 3 months, 6 months, 1 year and 2 years lifting?

    @rocketvgc You dropped from a 14 to almost 10 since September!? Nice!
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    [Progress] From 0.4kg to 3kg in 6 months

    @myopier This is so cute and I'm so happy for you! Enjoy your new muscle X
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    Am I fit enough for a Kettlebell class?

    @ulfric Also don't forget you can always stop and rest at any point during a class. No one will judge you if you need extra breaks in the beginning!