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  1. T

    I *calmly* shut down unwanted male attention today!

    @dainiakelly5 Did you even read my post? I guess you read that I’m a guy and just skimmed the rest. It’s an open forum and I was agreeing with OP. I think your filling in a lot of your own blanks and assuming the worst and completely missing the point.
  2. T

    I *calmly* shut down unwanted male attention today!

    @dawn16 Thank you for your response. It was late when I stumbled across this post and didn’t anticipate a lot of the responses I got, lesson learnt I guess. I agreed and empathised with OP and excuse no men doing this and agree it is extremely irritating when all you want to do is work out...
  3. T

    I *calmly* shut down unwanted male attention today!

    @brixken7 I was talking about the perspective of the guy that approached OP. He has no concept of this interaction being posted on a woman’s fitness sub. It was more that from the guys perspective he sees someone he is interested in. I could have worded it better I guess, it was late and I...
  4. T

    I *calmly* shut down unwanted male attention today!

    @dainiakelly5 Guy here... I obviously can’t speak for all men but the whole thing about men feeling threatened by women is so minimal I doubt any guy that would approach a woman sparing or hitting a bag would almost never be the type of guy that is threatened buy women who is physically active...