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  1. J

    Grow them Glutes

    @hkmhuik Romanian deadlifts, split squats, sumo squats, back extensions with narrow foot placement, and walking backward on the treadmill with a slight incline.
  2. J

    How are most of workout routines full of junk volume?

    @godofreason Truthfully I think it is built in flaw to compensate for the consumer’s lack of intensity or ability to gauge effort. Most who buy the programs are novices or just getting back into it and that range compensates for lack of threshold
  3. J

    Full RoM or heavier squat

    @bort FULL ROM for glutes and hamstrings. Quads aren't working as much at the bottom of depth. To get out of “the hole” thats glutes and hamstrings.
  4. J

    How many exercises do you do for a muscle group and why?

    @orthodox_christian A lot to consider but anything is just a mixture of volume, intensity, and frequency. It depends on the muscle group and my ability to recover but typically i do 3 exercises per muscle group. 3-4 sets. That seems to be my sweet spot for growth.