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  1. J

    Internalized misogyny and sports?

    @lorial Who told you you were legally inferior due to being weaker? Not mean spirited btw just curious cuz thats fucked But i've had to live with my height being used to tell me i will never be a man and never have a woman love me People are assholes and i think we just need to work hard to...
  2. J

    Internalized misogyny and sports?

    @lorial Huh? Nah i only feel happy when i see my brother lift heavy and feel good for him I don't feel like he's more of a man i just know thay if him and i work equally hard at strength training he will have a higher peak than me I can still be able to do more pull ups, push ups, run faster...
  3. J

    Internalized misogyny and sports?

    @lam Yeah op's post sounds more like issues with their own body image and self image Like im a 5'3 dude of course i wont be as strong as my taller older brother Won't stop me from trying to be stronger than i was last week