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  1. P

    Start to train kettlebell sport

    @neelyowen Well, I didn't think about it that way. My plan was to somewhat master a single kettlebell before buying the next one, which wouldn't be the best decision. My plan is to compete in about a year, so not very soon. I want to compete in Long Cycle. Im gonna try to uppload a video when I...
  2. P

    Start to train kettlebell sport

    @zuri I'm male. I've training a lot of swings and overhead rest by doing S&S, 10x10 swings and 1x5 getups daily, but I rather do sport training now. Is the program I linked any good, do I need to complement it? Should I get a 32kg or another 24?
  3. P

    Start to train kettlebell sport

    @dawn16 Thanks for the tip! I'll look in to a pair of 16kg's :)
  4. P

    Start to train kettlebell sport

    @detrimony I've looked into geting a pair, but I wont be able to get 2x16 for atleast 4 months. Would working up my numbers in 1h C&L be an efficient way for me to prepare for double 24s, or to practice until i can get double 16's?
  5. P

    Start to train kettlebell sport

    @detrimony Thanks for the tips. I should look in to getting a pair of 16kgs. The nearest GS facility is about 1,5h away with train with a fare cost which would be like 15-20$ which I as a unemployed uni student cant afford :/
  6. P

    Start to train kettlebell sport

    Hi! Im planning on starting training for kettlebell sport. I currently own one 24kg kettlebell which i practice C&J and snatches with according to this routine. (goal 100 C&J, 100 snatches, steep progression, using one 24kg kettlebell). My goal...