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  1. C

    Cutting 1200 cal 120g protein 52g fats

    @katie4469 I’m using a 2,2g/kg protein as I was told to do by my nutritionist. My appetite is a bit huge usually and I tend to overeat due to some medication (I have fibromyalgia). I’m afraid of getting in the comfort zone and not seeing any results for months that’s why I thought it would be...
  2. C

    Cutting 1200 cal 120g protein 52g fats

    @katie4469 About 6 months, then my nutritionist put me on a 1400kcal plan with much more carbs and less protein. I’ve lost about 4-5kg in this period. I can tell my body composition has changed, but I still have a high %BFfor sure. Don’t think it’s a good idea getting into a bulking yet.
  3. C

    Cutting 1200 cal 120g protein 52g fats

    @johnab I’m not quite sure idler. I have no trouble getting enough protein tbh, with tofu, protein powder and other stuffs is pretty easy. The main problem is the low carb (that I don’t intend to keep it for much longer since I know that muscles can’t be built without carbs).
  4. C

    Cutting 1200 cal 120g protein 52g fats

    @dawn16 Maybe I’m using the wrong therm since I’m not a native English speaker. Just googled, mine is a registered dietitian and plant based also. She’s treating me since I became vegan, because of my condition. (: Thanks for the concern. I will study more and ask for more professional help also.
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    Cutting 1200 cal 120g protein 52g fats

    @dawn16 Tbh I truly don’t know. Never did it before, but my personal (who is also a nutritionist) told me to try it and see if I like the results. He’s not vegan, but I stared looking on the internet and saw some material about low carb vegan diets, I’m pretty sure that’s hard to do 50g or less...
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    Cutting 1200 cal 120g protein 52g fats

    @dawn16 Because of the low carb intake, maybe?
  7. C

    Cutting 1200 cal 120g protein 52g fats

    @dawn16 I know that, I usually do my diet plans with a nutritionist. But in the last 6 months I was not progressing enough so I started studying and talking with other professionals to seek for changes. My BMR is about 1200 kcal, she first put me on a 1600kcal plan and then in a 1400 kcal, but...
  8. C

    Cutting 1200 cal 120g protein 52g fats

    Hi guys! It’s been 5 y I’m vegan. I’ve never been sedentary but in the last 4 months or so I decided that I wanna get some muscles. Not quite sure my bf% is, but some lost some weight already and can see a bit more muscles. I was on a 1600kcal plan with 110g protein 180g carbs and 48g fats but...