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  1. M

    How do families with young children find the time?

    @ryspi76 You have to go to bed earlier and get up earlier. It's really that simple. If your wife wants to workout then give her the time in the evening. You cook dinner and handle the pre bedtime routine while she does her thing. Doing it together with young kids at home would require both of...
  2. M

    How do I get my cardio/running heart rate down? I already run slowly

    @jose221 Shaking and vibration when running. Loose strap. Location on the arm, etc. I'm not saying it's terribly far off, but 180 is basically max heartrate for someone her age. To sustain max heartrate for up to 5 miles would be brutal/impossible. A chest strap has been recommended, and I...
  3. M

    How do I get my cardio/running heart rate down? I already run slowly

    @zambieboy I feel like your HRM isn't accurate. 180 for an extended period of time would be awful, at just about any age.
  4. M

    How does everyone balance all their fitness needs as you age?

    @bridgida I don't. When life gets busy my workouts taper off to basically nothing, I gain 10-15lbs, the self-loathing starts, diets are started and fail 10x, then life slows down and I get back on the workout wagon. /end
  5. M

    Need fitness routine for feminine tone

    @dausman23 OP, with your natural build and length, you can do just about any muscle building routine and attain your desired look. No need to get too complex with it. Just pick a linear progression routine, eat a bit over your maintenence calorie level (with plenty of protein) and do some extra...