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  1. I

    Can't lose weight on 1500 calorie diet

    @crosswise I mean, I did lose a lot of weight on 1200 calorie diet of exclusively UPF foods, so I don't doubt it's possible to lose weight on Twinkies alone, it's the longer term effect it has on you're body/metabolism that you need to consider. As well as bloods, maybe consider stool tests...
  2. I

    Can't lose weight on 1500 calorie diet

    @itrm Again you've misread what I said. Key words: Veggies aren't carb free, I didn't say all, and I merely tried to clear up your confusion with an example.
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    Can't lose weight on 1500 calorie diet

    @itrm That's the point. I also didn't say it was the source of his woes, merely suggested he might like to read into it and see about some swaps to see if it makes any difference.
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    Can't lose weight on 1500 calorie diet

    @itrm I said metabolic adaptation seems to be what people are talking about when they cite "starvation mode", I didn't say it was Pontzer's term. Caloric availability is about swapping your foods for less calorically available alternatives. It has nothing to do with how well/poorly OP...
  5. I

    Can't lose weight on 1500 calorie diet

    @itrm I didn't attribute caloric availability to Pontzer, if you wish to read more on it, it's mostly something I've seen covered by Dr Giles Yeo:
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    Can't lose weight on 1500 calorie diet

    @crosswise I've been through similar, and I know you will staunchly get replies of "CICO" and "you're obviously doing it wrong", it's very frustrating! I found Herman Pontzer's book "burn" quite enlightening. The gist of it is, yes CICO matters, but your CICO needs can adapt, and your body will...