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  1. M

    Timing workouts w job

    @angelsookdeo I am a full time high school teacher with 8 year old twins and a 2 year old. Life is pretty chaotic at times. My schedule looks like this: 4:30 wake up, pre workout drink 5:00 at the gym till 6:15 6:30 shower and get ready 6:50 kids up breakfast etc. 7:15 leave for work drop of...
  2. M

    Timing workouts w job

    @searchingforfaith8709 I have been going M-F every day for the last year I would say. Before that it was just MWF. It takes a while to get used to. Set out all your clothes, water, gym bag etc the night before. I even sometimes sleep in my gym shorts to make it that much easier to get ready...
  3. M

    Timing workouts w job

    @searchingforfaith8709 I wake up in the four o'clock hour every day and lift for an hour before the kids are up, and before work starts. Its literally the only time I can get it in. At first, I hated it, now I love it.