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    Low volume workouts and the effectivity of ‘RIR-based’ training

    @jontue Yeah well the point where you start to have technique failure is actually an RPE 7 or 8. So your RPE 8 you’re describing is actually an RPE 5 or 6. That can do great for powerlifting, but if someone is a late intermediate or advanced lifter with a goal of hypertrophy, that doesn’t really...
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    I only want big arms. Not literally, I still am working out other muscle groups, but I want the biggest bulkiest arms. How do I get them?

    @lizlugo51 Train arms 3-4x per week, 15-20 or more isolation sets for each per week. Train arms on upper days, train arms on lower/leg days, add in an "arm day", it doesn't really matter. Just train them with high frequency and high volume. Whatever way you need to go to accomplish that goal...
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    Low volume workouts and the effectivity of ‘RIR-based’ training

    @heartnsoul19 Yeah there’s nothing wrong with trying high intensity. I’m just saying not to drop down to one set. You’ll have to drop volume to be able to recover, but you don’t have to drop it that far. Also don’t be surprised if you don’t respond as well as you think. Once you’re intermediate...
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    Low volume workouts and the effectivity of ‘RIR-based’ training

    @heartnsoul19 I don’t know if you need to jump all the way from one extreme to another. Realize that RPE 8 is freaking hard. If it’s not freaking hard, you’re leaving too many reps in reserve. It’s not really the best idea to train to failure on compounds. So I would keep your compounds using...
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    Am I overworking?

    @nirt So in a cutting phase you’re not going to be building much muscle. You’re new so you’ll likely build some, but not enough to be paranoid about optimizing for this. If you use any of the popular 3 day programs you won’t really miss anything. Most of them are focused on compounds that work...
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    Am I overworking?

    @nirt Personally I do lower volume (and more cardio) in a deficit and higher volume in surplus. It really doesn’t take much volume at all to maintain muscle mass. Like 5 sets per week per body part taken close to failure (RPE7+) is enough provided you’re not going down to contest levels of body...
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    Wendler 5/3/1 complimented w/ Push Jerk Programming

    @sabri "I have found my numbers going up on all lifts and my endurance improving when it comes to WODs", sounds like what you're doing is working. If it ain't broke don't fix it. If you stop getting gains, then is the time to question if you need a change. For now, ride those gains as far as you...
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    switch to 2 d/w or do something else?

    @kjm Both. Variation is good both mentally and physically.
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    switch to 2 d/w or do something else?

    @kjm I would stick to 3 days but do different lifts each day instead of repeating the same day over and over and over and over and over…
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    Efficacy of 2 to 3 month mini bulks?

    @fatalfantasy Yep, learning early how to do a slow long bulk is a skill that will benefit you for years to come. The more advanced you get, the more important long slow gaining phases become. The longer and slower the better. And don't be afraid to try to take a phase every here or there where...
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    Efficacy of 2 to 3 month mini bulks?

    @fatalfantasy So a weight gaining phase tends to build a bit of momentum as you go. Breaking that momentum every couple of months is not ideal. Also the ratio of time gaining vs losing does matter, and you're basically 2:1, which isn't terrible but also not optimal. More optimal is something...
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    If I don’t get 4-8 hours of sleep how much is it hurting my gains?

    @1ambassador It sounds like you’re working out in the evening. If you can do it earlier in the day it’s better for sleep. Training increases noradrenaline levels for a few hours, which makes it hard to get restful deep sleep.
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    Your take/thoughts on Hard Sets (e.g: 0-2 RIR)

    @theodor98 Does 6 sets at RPE 6-8 provide more total hypertrophic stimulus than 3 sets at 10? Yes. Does it provide less fatigue than 3 sets at 10? Also yes. The idea is to increase volume and help manage systemic fatigue. This is a very effective strategy to do so. The recommendation isn’t to do...