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  1. C

    Just wanted to share the progress video of this crazy Korean calisthenics athlete

    @westcoastdan How is 3 HSPU after 2 months even possible? Been lifting for over a year and I can't OHP my bodyweight. What a specimen.
  2. C

    Genetics and "Ease" of Staying Lean

    @masonbrown You'll never get big only eating at maintenance though, that just sounds like a way to spin your wheels. Like someone who's 5' 11" and 160 lbs shouldn't just maintain forever unless they want to be small forever. Muscle loss during a cut is pretty minimal if protein and training are...
  3. C

    Genetics and "Ease" of Staying Lean

    @masonbrown By "bulking" do you mean any caloric surplus at all is a waste of time? Or are you referring to a dirty bulk?
  4. C

    M/25/5’10” [180lbs to 156lbs] (3 months)

    @petemar Sprouted bread has decent protein.
  5. C

    Q: Protein Intake while cutting as a vegan

    @slaphappie 0.8g/lb is for athletic people. And it's a "to be safe" number.