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    High cholesterol as a vegan

    @slowmarathoner My understanding on recent studies is that eating cholesterol is not that big of a deal, but eating saturated fats like palm and coconut oil can cause your body to produce cholesterol. I may not have it right 100%, but i've been laying off the fake cheeses and butters and my LDL...
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    What one thing would help me improve?

    @nogamenolife Well, if it were easy, everyone would be walking around with 6 packs, and squatting 6 plates :) Don't give up, keep at it, and keep trying to find that sweet spot of getting stronger.
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    What one thing would help me improve?

    @nogamenolife The key to building muscle instead of fat is progressive overload and tracking your macros. Every workout, you should try to push yourself a little bit more. To start with it goes faster as you will have CNS adaptations and can increase 5% to 10% per week, just doing basic stuff...