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  1. C

    None of my bulks (lean or dirty) ever seem to result in any muscle gain, and I honestly really don't know what I'm doing wrong at this point

    @daughteroftheonetrueking Here’s my 2 cents, as someone who is also ~135lbs albeit much shorter: you gotta up the protein. And you may want to consider spreading your cals over more meals. I usually do 1)oats/protein powder, 2)Rice Krispies or Karbolyn after I train, 3)a Greek yogurt or Quest...
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    Why is my squat better than my deadlift?

    @carltonh Depending on your goals, you could consider lifting straps. Powerlifting federations don’t allow them, so if you care more about being strong for strength’s sake then don’t worry about straps. But if you’re interested in developing leg or back strength/size without the added stress of...
  3. C

    Which documentaries or videos helped motivate you greatly in taking health/fitness seriously?

    @savedsue Supersize vs Superskinny, a British show. Really helped me see the dangers of consuming way too much or way too little, and helped me find a middle ground without crash dieting all the time.