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  1. J

    Do any of you just NOT have defined goals?

    @mayne70 I train for powerlifting. The goal is to safely move more weight than the last time I tried. That’s it. Physique goals make my brain itch; they’re too subjective and my self-perception can be so distorted that I wouldn’t trust what I see in the mirror/photos, for better and for worse
  2. J

    2024 Strength Goals - 2nd year lifting

    @bbanvil Those are OP’s current stats…
  3. J

    Frustrated with barbell back squats

    @ortho My personal opinion would be to get your form right first. Ass to grass may be overkill, but you want to break parallel. Try squatting to a box, or a few 45 lb bumper plates stacked up. Try a few sets of a challenging weight at 5 reps. Next squat session, try a lower target; use either a...
  4. J

    Chest exercises with big boobs

    @duodokkans Not a great bar path for the health of your shoulders