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  1. S

    Homemade pre workout mix

    @overcoming1 I’m not a morning lifter but it’s way less crowded then obviously and people with work/kids usually have an easier time fitting in workouts early morning
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    Thoughts on Thomas Delauer's Macro's: 225g Potein | 100g Carbs | 100g Fat @180lbs

    @arianwen Hopefully most here have been around the block enough to take one look at this guy and immediately clock him as a roider
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    How does progressive overload ACTUALLY work?

    @bambamikesell He said he’s been lifting over a year and I just can’t see how you’d be 185 lbs at 15% bf and not have a decent amount of muscle. The math doesn’t really work if you don’t
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    How does progressive overload ACTUALLY work?

    @brianlee3271 I’m gonna be honest chief I find it hard to believe a 6’2 185 lbs man at 15% bf couldn’t bench 135 lbs for at least 20 reps. Something seems off here. Cut or not you should be way past that level at your stats. Gotta push the intensity
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    How does progressive overload ACTUALLY work?

    @brianlee3271 I’m gonna be honest I don’t think deloads are at all necessary when you’re benching 135 lbs, it’s not really enough to really tax your tendons or nervous system that much. What’s your measurements?
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    4 - 6 exercice per muscle by workout ?

    @fandoumi1 That is exactly what my pull day looks like but 5 sets of each. If it’s not overcrowded in the gym it takes just about an hour which doesn’t feel over the top