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    F/37/5'5/205lbs- I need a fitness plan

    @tamtamrod Any long answer is likely the wrong answer. Start slow and don’t take on too many changes at once. Set some approachable goals and build on them. Start with walking/body weight exercises and build on them each week. Be easy on yourself and focus on improving your diet prior to cutting...
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    “A woman shouldn’t be doing an Arnold split.”

    @tory Even if you tried, it wouldn’t work!
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    “A woman shouldn’t be doing an Arnold split.”

    @jimjam Sorry ladies, that program was created for a man name Arnold so if that ain’t you then it’s not for you. This specific split belongs to him. Hope this helps.
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    Folks who workout twice a day, what does your life look like on a daily basis?

    @heegar I’m just being honest. You said you “don’t even have time for a hobby” which seems impossible to me. Single and no kids with an ordinary job gives you plenty of opportunity. It’s tough love not judgement. And most of all I am a believer that something is better than nothing. “All or...
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    Folks who workout twice a day, what does your life look like on a daily basis?

    @heegar To be honest it sounds like you’re dreaming up excuse before you’ve even gotten started. 9-5 gives you 6/7 hours every day non sleeping and you have two full days on weekends presumably. Start however you want but getting going is more important than planning. Start small and add to it...
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    14 years of lifting and hit a point where I can’t because of work — how can I motivate myself? 34/f

    @tangenica Something is better than nothing. Try to accept that fitness levels fluctuate through life and definitely attempt to maintain until you’re ready to spend more time doing it. Keep protein levels high and try to find other ways to stay active throughout the day that also free your mind...
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    How much is a good caloric deficiency?

    @nuggets71 How active is your lifestyle of your work outs? I think you should weigh in daily for a while and look at your average. Scale fluctuations are normal and can happen for many reasons BM frequency, water retention, menstrual cycle etc. 4 lbs up doesn’t necessarily mean 4 lbs of fat gain.
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    How much is a good caloric deficiency?

    @nuggets71 Do you weigh yourself daily and at the same time each day? Your weight will fluctuate and you should go off an average for the week instead of a random weigh in from week to week. If you’re truly eating 1500 just stick with it and you will lose weight. Muscle does take up space so...
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    Program Review + Starting a Cut

    @jakson90 Why would he start at the same deficit as you? He weighs 20 lbs more and has already established his maintenance
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    Looking for help programming to solve a fat loss plateau for my Mom (F, 65)?

    @yahhuah At the very least it should be the same length as the deficit but it sounds like she needs more time. Whats the rush? Also where are you getting the estimates for her body fat %, how tall is she?
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    Looking for help programming to solve a fat loss plateau for my Mom (F, 65)?

    @yahhuah Yea this is ridiculous and aggressive. She needs at least 6 months at maintenance and to seriously reevaluate her goals. Chasing a scale weight is tiring. More muscle and strength are going to benefit her the most at her age. Stop encouraging her to shrink and help her get to her...