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  1. C

    Does body recomposition actually work?

    @jeffwilly001 They should have put that very important bit in the results section of the Abstract instead of making a claim that >1.62 g/kg/day doesn't increase gains then directly contradicting that later on lol. Anyway, thanks, that is interesting and explains where the 2.2g/kg figure I...
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    Does body recomposition actually work?

    @jeffwilly001 From your own source: "Protein supplementation beyond total protein intakes of 1.62 g/kg/day do not increase gains" Where did you get your 1.5-2x figure from?
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    Does body recomposition actually work?

    @breelovesgod From the research I've done so far, it seems the timing of nutrients is not a very big deal. It does have an impact but it's very minuscule to the point that it would only be relevant to professional athletes. For example, the idea that you can only digest so much protein in one...
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    Does body recomposition actually work?

    @nathan2018 It's a top result when Googlin'g "body recomp" so figured I would contribute. I appreciate the study and it is interesting - however, my problem with it is that it doesn't account for protein intake, something the author admitted: The key to body recomp on a deficit is extremely...
  5. C

    Does body recomposition actually work?

    @nathan2018 Well yes your measurements and weight may not change much because you're replacing fat with muscle, but it is highly effective. Even pro athletes can lose body fat while gaining lean mass on a caloric defecit (which is a critical part of recomp). The only reason it's not popular is...
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    Novice strength levels - 0-1 rep a week even in calorie surplus, high protein, good sleep

    @cybernetic Damn dude I don't know then. You should get a professional trainer to give you advice. You're clearly dedicated so I think it's worth it. I recommend this guy: EDIT: someone really downvoted me for advising someone to seek professional advice, you're...
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    Novice strength levels - 0-1 rep a week even in calorie surplus, high protein, good sleep

    @curtswill Did you look at the spreadsheet? Look at Day 1. He's doing a lot more than bench and triceps. He has biceps, barbvell rows, side lats, BB shrugs etc. He's doing minimum 195 reps and max around 350, which is a lot. For comparison some of the powerlifting programs linked in this wiki...
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    Novice strength levels - 0-1 rep a week even in calorie surplus, high protein, good sleep

    @cybernetic Holy hell that is a lot of volume if I’m reading that right! I think 150-200 reps total per session is a good number based of research and what other proven programs do. You are far exceeding that. How long do you spend in the gym? Also, it may be worth going to the doc and getting...
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    Does body recomposition actually work?

    @acer621 Say you're a person with a high body fat percentage (25%) and below average lean muscle mass. If you want to become muscular with a low body fat percentage, is it really faster to bulk and cut rather than body recomp?
  10. C

    4 day split? (25 y/o)

    @don720 Every single suggestion is fantastic advice that I also follow. Just wanted to highlight the importance of this one - too many people think you have to be in a huge surplus so eat stupid amounts of food at like +500-1000 surplus. All that results in is fat gain - Jeff Nippard cites a...