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  1. N

    Honestly feel like the protein numbers that are given regularly are complete bullshit

    @bronsontaur There are two things at play here. The specific g / kg fluctuates a bit, but there is research to confirm a higher protein intake increases muscle gain. A recent meta analysis showed that 1,6 g / kg +/- 0,6g provided optimal results: But...
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    Should I do 2 sets with 8-12 reps and then 1 set till faliure

    @froggyfan1 There is no right answer to this without context. If this is the first exercise of a workout using an upper / lower split, then I'd say none of the sets to failure, if it's the last exercise for that muscle, I'd say either option 1 or 3 are solid. If it's part of a full-body...
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    What is your favorite four-day split?

    @tiffanyj PHUL and PHAT are pretty similar, one is just 5 days and the other 4.
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    What 'things' do you do that aren't 'supported' by research but you still do and have seen results from?

    @jamesgregory786 Intensity techniques for isolations. Restpause for the last set, drop sets, extending a set, cheat reps. Done wonders for arms and shoulders.
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    Your take/thoughts on Hard Sets (e.g: 0-2 RIR)

    @theodor98 I've had far more success going close to failure than staying shy of it.