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    Squat numbers dont match

    @saurabhtopno42 One additional suggestion. It's hard to see in your video, but if you normally squat high bar, try low bar. And if you normally squat low bar, try high bar. People sometimes do find one variation more natural than the other. I know I do.
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    Does this 3-day 5/3/1 BBB w/ accessories make sense?

    @gem4him If my main lift is a push, my assistance will be mainly pulls. So for you: Rows as assistance on bench day, and pull downs as assistance on press day. These are both antagonistic movement in the same plane as the main lift. I would then add dips on the other two days, but follow the...
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    Does this 3-day 5/3/1 BBB w/ accessories make sense?

    @igvh91 You just haven't adapted yet. The good thing is, with your lifting schedule, you have a lot of time to recover. But perhaps you could also use some additional mobility and flexibility work. I'm the same age as you, and it's certainly important to me. I could not lift what I lift...
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    5/3/1 Program calculator and workout tracker site

    @emoore80 Oops ... I was supposed to take a look at this last week. Sorry, I've been so busy lately.
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    Does this 3-day 5/3/1 BBB w/ accessories make sense?

    @gem4him I'm not a fan of this plan. First, even if you can only make it 3 days per week, I'd rather you do a conventional 4-day 5/3/1 by going M-W-F-M. That's not a bad way to go for those of us of a certain age. Second, 5x10 deads are, as others have suggested, questionable. I'd rather you...
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    5/3/1 For Oldsters - Part 2 - Don’t abuse the “+” sets

    @dawn16 I did not eat on that schedule, and I didn't eat what I'd consider a truckload. That said, I still ate plenty, and got more than enough protein. I'm pretty careful about my diet all the time, and every few months I monitor my diet in exacting detail for a week or two as a regular audit...
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    Questions about Recovery

    @fedya This is a pretty opaque description of your training habits. I'd like more details. Movements. Sets/Rep. Method of progression. How long you've been doing it. Consistency. That sort of stuff.
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    5/3/1 For Oldsters - Part 2 - Don’t abuse the “+” sets

    @marenity I mentioned that book in the initial thread. I don't do joker sets myself, but on press I actually do something similar to first set last (another option in Beyond 5/3/1.) Generally speaking, the options in Beyond 5/3/1 are the sort of things that you might look at after a year on the...
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    5/3/1 For Oldsters - Part 2 - Don’t abuse the “+” sets

    @faithful_blacksmith I've never tried those, so I can't speak about them personally. Do you use them mainly for confidence or do you think they have a training effect (beyond the mental ones)?
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    5/3/1 For Oldsters - Part 2 - Don’t abuse the “+” sets

    @hldawson3 I'm a big proponent of making your own 5/3/1 spreadsheet, because you need to be able to personalize it and tweak it for your own needs. This is something I'll certainly talk about in a future post. If you don't want to go that route immediately, then you have two options. Download...
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    5/3/1 For Oldsters - Part 2 - Don’t abuse the “+” sets

    @hoodrichhx203 No problem. I actually already had these numbers on my 5/3/1 spreadsheet. By the way, since then, my average is less than 2 extra.
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    5/3/1 For Oldsters - Part 2 - Don’t abuse the “+” sets

    @hoodrichhx203 Average extra reps: 1st 5 cycles: 5 extra 2nd 6 cycles: 4 extra 3rd 5 cycles: 4 extra
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    5/3/1 For Oldsters - Part 2 - Don’t abuse the “+” sets

    @oanhsct This is the advice I'd give to pretty much anybody when it comes to linear progression. If it's working for you, and you like it, stick with it. But the very moment it starts to fail you, switch to a slower program. A lot of people will tell you to plateau and reset two or three times...
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    5/3/1 For Oldsters - Part 2 - Don’t abuse the “+” sets

    @notsonicely As I said, your experience with 5/3/1 seems to have been highly atypical.
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    5/3/1 For Oldsters - Part 2 - Don’t abuse the “+” sets

    @bihmore Correct. Rep max = One of these calculations.
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    5/3/1 For Oldsters - Part 2 - Don’t abuse the “+” sets

    @notsonicely If it was a tested 1RM it wouldn't be labelled rep max. If you're unwilling to use rep maxes as a training tool -- well, then you're gonna have a bad time on 5/3/1.
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    5/3/1 For Oldsters - Part 2 - Don’t abuse the “+” sets

    @notsonicely It's not a philosophical argument. It's what my training logs show. These graphs are a bit stylized (real logs are messier), but pretty much everything I've ever done on 5/3/1 has looked like this: Or like this: (I'm happier when it's the first one.) As I said with my...
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    5/3/1 For Oldsters - Part 2 - Don’t abuse the “+” sets

    @notsonicely Yes. Your rep maxes should be increasing. So even if your rep maxes start out close to your original true max, over the course of several cycles, they should start to exceed that original true max. If all goes as it should, when your training max the weight lifted and true max...
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    5/3/1 For Oldsters - Part 2 - Don’t abuse the “+” sets

    @jellybug78 If they really start decreasing, then something is wrong because that'd mean you're losing strength. More likely, your rep maxes will just plateau, or increase only very slowly. At some point, if you keep increasing your training maxes, your week 3 weights will align with (and even...