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  1. J

    Buying 2 x 20kg kettlebells ?

    @sujiro Switching to double makes single work easier,also it's much easier to put on muscle and get stronger using bells,if that's the tool you want to use to get stronger. 2x20 are extremely versatile weight that you can do pretty much everything with and you'll get most out of what double...
  2. J

    Pressing Standards Parallels?

    @hd8e8dx Oh,then I misunderstood you.If I recall correctly,being like 3-4 on each of them on average is good place to be in. Regarding the pressing-you can probably squeeze out at least one of them on a heavier bell,given that you press previous weight,as you said,for at least 8 times,with...
  3. J

    Pressing Standards Parallels?

    @hd8e8dx Are you asking how much KB work transfers to barbells?From what I've read as I too was interested in figuring this out,barbells are a different tool,different technique and different nervous system output,so not direct 100%,you certainly will increase your deadlift doing swings,cleans...