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  1. L

    How to break through fat-loss plateau (going under 12-13% BF)

    If I were you I would stop my cut because 2000kcal is very low. I would instead try to maintain and slowly build up my metabolism by training with heavier weights and by doing compound movements (deadlift, squats ect). Now that my metabolism is better and I can eat more I would start my cut. I...
  2. L

    How to break through fat-loss plateau (going under 12-13% BF)

    @kekeli Calculate your true maintanance by doing THIS: 1) Track your calories for about 1-2 weeks where you eat as you usually do without losing weight. Divide all your calories that you ate during that period by the number of days you tracked your calories. 2) 2-3g protein/kg of your weight...