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    bOX cULTS

    @ruella Beats me! I think they all joined under each other though, so maybe that's why? Or they just sell it for the discount? Who knows!
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    bOX cULTS

    @e31 A few people at my box sell Advocare, and most are super Christians. I don't mind it, as long as they don't push it on me.
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    My first chin ups!!

    @darrel Not all in a row; maybe 30-60 seconds of rest between each. The actual work was to establish 1RM heavy chin up.
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    My first chin ups!!

    @bornagainbride That's what I did once ring rows got to be too easy. Or jumping pull ups, depending on how fast the workout was supposed to be. I did as many dead-hang pullups as I could before my arms quit, and then attempted kipping with a bad. Super awkward though; I kept getting hit in the...
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    My first chin ups!!

    @bornagainbride That's awesome!! Congrats!
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    My first chin ups!!

    @kristeen Not really. The past 5 weeks we've been doing gymnastics MWF, so that's probably helped. I've been making it a point to do banded pullups or jumping pullups (depending on how fast the WOD is supposed to be) instead of ring rows. I don't think I can do a regular pullup, and TBH I...
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    HERO WOD Tommy V, which one r u gonna do this week?

    @passiongirl We did one yesterday, Becky, for a local vet who committed suicide after struggling with PTSD. For time: 800m run 30 Squat snatch 95/65 Run 400m 30 Hang squat clean 95/65 Run 200m 30 Back squat (from ground) 95/65 Run 400m 30 pushups Run 800m 30 pull ups I finished just over 46...
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    My first chin ups!!

    @ignatiusdidache THANK YOU FOR THE ENTHUSIASM!
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    My first chin ups!!

    @ratnakar Thanks for the ding! Personally, I screamed a little and did a dance. Dings are probs less embarrassing though.....
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    My first chin ups!!

    I, a 25 y/o 128lb F, did 6 chin ups today! No band, either! I've been doing crossfit for a little over 4 months now, and, with my embarrassing lack of upper body strength, I didn't think I'd be doing chin ups so soon! I wasn't even going to try them because I didn't think I could. But one of the...