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    What’s your Fran time?

    @asphaltpotato I'm here to represent the mere mortals. I'm 49M and the thruster is pretty heavy for me. The last time I tried to do Fran Rx, my time was close to 20 minutes because I was so gassed by the thrusters.
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    Improving my rowing

    @rushamania You might want to try a lower setting on the damper.
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    C&J/Bench Press ratio

    @pilgramspirit About 1.2 ratio for me. My bench is weaker than most crossfitters since (a) we don't do bench that much and (b) I never did much lifting before doing CF.
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    L2 Course Workouts

    @pjv At my L2, there were plenty of people scaling, some quite significantly. I would just treat it like any other CF workout and not worry about it.
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    Need Feedback

    @nich4him You showed up and did the work. Sounds like you did great!
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    Overhead squats makes me so f**king angry

    @mksamas Lots of people struggle with OHS! Partly this is because a lot more balance is required with the weight overhead. Perhaps this is advice your coach is already giving you, but you want to make sure you're putting a lot of tension on the bar while it is overhead. Envision yourself...
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    The Troubles With Doubles

    @kenhensley Personally I've never been able to alternate singles and doubles. My brain just can't switch back and forth like that. I do a couple singles and then switch into "doubles mode" until I trip or take a break.
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    Twisted Laces on Crossfit Shoes

    @tiger65 This happens to me in my shoes as well, and not just my CrossFit shoes. It may just be due to pronation and not specific to the laces or shoes. I just untwist them when I tie my shoes and it doesn't cause me much discomfort. However, with the laces being as bad as they are in your...
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    Can someone explain RX v scaled scoring?

    @fair2light Great job!
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    Can someone explain RX v scaled scoring?

    @john6574 All Rx scores are ranked higher than all scaled scores. If you row 300m, do 10 DL's at 185/125#, and then end the workout, your score will be higher than if you did 20 rounds scaled.