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  1. G

    Disappointed: weight loss didn’t equal bf% loss

    @whitab Get a $4 body fat caliper tool and record the measurements on your phone. My waist is small but my body fat % is high and i can tell by my neck and arm measurements
  2. G

    I’m 38. I’ve been told I won’t get to what I was even when I was 34

    @gunaraj1651 Digestive Gold is the brand. I also like digestive bitters to increase my body’s own ability to create digestive enzymes
  3. G

    I’m 38. I’ve been told I won’t get to what I was even when I was 34

    @supernova1044 Nonsense. I’m 40, and in way better shape than I was at 34. And I have hypothyroidism, diabetes and a young child/full time job. I do have to take digestive enzymes and BCAAs to absorb more protein than I did before, but I find it easier to meal prep and stick to routines now.