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  1. L

    Local Competitions are humbling

    @dv2012 Thanks for the advice! I think a 3/week squat program would be perfect. Definitely willing to put in the time after/before class. Any program you would recommend that you've had success with? Do you also practice oly lifts weekly? I'm having trouble prioritizing. Yes, it definitely is...
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    Local Competitions are humbling

    @dawn16 Very true. I did have fun! I am so competitive, and always have been since a very young age, so I am always hard on myself. I definitely have to remember this! thanks for the support!
  3. L

    Local Competitions are humbling

    @dawn16 brilliant
  4. L

    Local Competitions are humbling

    @lalynx never thought of it but I'll check it out, thanks!
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    Local Competitions are humbling

    @tomahawk777 You have some great lifts for your size! Honestly this is brilliant - I never though about modifying WODs that way, but something I totally want to try out. Have you found this helpful for heavy barbell cycling? How long have you been doing crossfit/how long have you been doing...
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    Local Competitions are humbling

    @shonspawnel Thanks for input - any advice/specific program for me if I'm looking to spend an extra 45min (in addition to 1hr cf class) focused for strength ideally 2-3 days a week. Also, should I continue with my gym's strength component in the class in addition to a strength program?
  7. L

    Local Competitions are humbling

    This past weekend I did a female partner competition at a local gym. I always find them humbling because although I am always at the top of the whiteboard at my gym, I'm usually middle of the pack at these local competitions. In this case we came in 4th out of 9 teams - which fuels my fire to...