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  1. T

    Of all the places I have looked for self love, I had no idea I would find it at the gym

    @dawn16 This really puts things in perspective!
  2. T

    Of all the places I have looked for self love, I had no idea I would find it at the gym

    @dawn16 I just started lifting for the second time and have found that the Strong Lifts 5x5 app is super easy and digestible for a beginner! It keeps track of your weights, your reps, your time in between sets, and it has a video with all the proper forms for the movements. I even told my...
  3. T

    Of all the places I have looked for self love, I had no idea I would find it at the gym

    @bill01 Thanks! It is hard getting started, haha. But I’m just trying to keep the mindset that everyone sucks at everything when they first start doing something. No one is naturally good at it. Also, I’m concentrating on my lifts and my diet instead of the weight. Hoping that I can just...
  4. T

    Of all the places I have looked for self love, I had no idea I would find it at the gym

    @bill01 Thanks, I needed to hear this. I’m just starting out weight lifting (last week) again and am loathing my body right now. I have a vacation coming up in May and am kind of secretly hoping I can lose enough so that I look good in photos, but I’m slowly learning it’s ok if I don’t because...