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    C25K isn't working for me

    @indekee Haha, chin up! You'll get there
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    C25K isn't working for me

    @indekee There's no magic bullet for increasing cardio endurance. Just like you wouldn't expect a strength program to take you from deadlifting the bar to deadlifting 405 in ten weeks, you can't start off with poor aerobic conditioning and expect to be at racing speeds for distance in a matter...
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    C25K isn't working for me

    @indekee The c25k sub relentlessly advises newbies to take it slow. That means every run, every week, will be at an easy, manageable pace. Go too fast and you'll not only burn out but probably injure yourself, too. The program is not designed to turn you into a fast runner, it's designed to...
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    5'4"//27F//177lbs DEXA Scan (36.5%Fat)

    @anonymous_iran Thank you for sharing! And while I'm glad you see the need to improve your health, I have to say you still have an amazing body. It looks powerful! If I can give you one piece of advice about dieting, it's this: meal prep. Each week, plan every bite that's going to go in...
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    [Meet Report] USPA National Powerlifting Championships 2017 - July 7 2017 - 325kg/717lb @ 59kg/130lb | 367.09 Wilks | F26 | Raw

    @ukjk That squat was insanely smooth, I think you had at least another 10lbs in you. Awesome writeup, awesome lifts. Thank you so much for posting!
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    FML: Heavy lifting made me look like I was in liver failure

    @halifax24 So you haven't gotten an official diagnosis from your doctor and haven't had any further testing done yet and this is all speculation by you and the research team, right? Please say you've gone to your doctor by now. I had a patient just the other day who has liver granulomas and...
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    [X-Post-rLoseIt] Down 18lbs in 4 weeks :)

    @yac11 Personally I feel everyone, but especially women, should be doing some form of resistance training no matter their fitness level. It's too essential to our general health to forego for any reason (except for something like having a major injury.) There is no fitness level you need to...
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    [X-Post-rLoseIt] Down 18lbs in 4 weeks :)

    @yac11 Congrats on your succesa! Can I ask why you've waited til now to start strength training?
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    Squat form check 105 lbs x 5

    @finnallen101 Your form is perfectly fine. Don't fall down the rabbit hole of constantly psyching yourself out on form issues. If it works without causing injury or excessive butt wink, IT WORKS.