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  1. B

    Possible to be in good cardio shape but very fat?

    @ms7dc I've managed to gain 10kg/22lbs while cycling more than 5000km/3100miles per year. Didn't fuel my rides properly and usually ended up massively overheating afterwards. Ended up at a BMI around 28, which isn't fat, but overweight - especially when having an unbalanced physique with a lack...
  2. B

    Frustrated over being very fat.

    @unbridledwild Similar for me - I gained 10kg/22lbs while cycling up to 10h/week. I used to not fuel my rides properly and get extremely hungry afterwards. When my fitness tracker told me, that I had burned 1500+ kcal, I did not even see any problem in going berserk on the fridge afterwards. I...