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    Josh Bridges movement standards in 16.4

    @jingle42 This should only be for those competing for regionals spots or for the Masters qualifier. Now, I do agree that there should be an online qualifying round after the open for the top athletes in each region, where all WODS are videotaped and sent in to HQ for judging.
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    StaminaProPatch - the lastest Snake oil being targeted at CrossFitters

    @owlsight Froning is part of Advocare...
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    Am I a dreamer or insane? I'm embarking on a 12 week journey of doing Sealfit M/W/F and Wendler's 5/3/1 on Tu/Th..

    @35jesuswept Add in Oly lifts (Clean+jerk on squat day, snatch on deadlift day) and a skill session and you are all set.